I’m normally loathed to directly advocate one position in favour of all others but have been asked to write about some of the tools (electronic, technique, physical or mental) which I utilise regularly. I would much rather provide alternatives and have readers reflect on their own needs and the alternatives available, yet appreciate that some readers just want to know how I work.

Hence interspaced between regular posts I will blog about the tools I use that leverage my time and efforts. By no means, they are the best tools out there but they suit my working style. In appreciation of the fast paced world we live in and the ever shortening product cycle, I’d be very keen to hear others alternatives and why they advocate them as well. Hence for these type of articles, I will enable comments and hope to hear from you. Note also that I am not receiving any form of commission for these discussions and it merely reflect my own thoughts and working style. One of my core values is strong views, loosely held and prefer to be in a position where I can change my advocacy for the most suitable platform or product rather than be fixed into a stated position with little logical reasoning.

I will start with the tool I utilise to review the drafts of my electronic communications. I rely on Grammerly, not only to assist me with my spelling but also with the phrasing of my writing.

Why is clear and concise writing critical?

Put simply;

  1. Written communication allows you to communicate at a scalable level (ironic considering this post!), and the further you move upwards in an organisation you find that you can’t physically discuss all issues verbally with all stakeholders and direct reports.
  2. It will improve your reporting be it either performance or investigations. The clearer your message the greater chance of your recommendations or position being accepted and acted upon
  3. Social media is a large part of the networked economy and we all have a strong bias against the individual when we see spelling, grammar or communication which we can’t understand or relate to. Don’t lower your brand in the social space by allowing people to focus on your form rather than your message!

Grammerly follows a freemium model where you can download it as a browser extension (I use it in chrome on all my computer’s) for free, yet also has a subscription option for greater features. I’d advocate using the free version and depending on the value you receive from it may warrant a subscription to the paid service level.

grammerly 3.PNG

Hope you found the above useful yet you may also be interested in checking out Hemmingway Editor and Scrivener who also assist in improving the quality of your electronic writing

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