How do you know your learning something if your tongue isn’t hanging out?

Photo by Hunter Johnson on Unsplash

Is your tongue hanging out regularly when at work or are you holding your tongue, fighting back curses?

Most of us heed the warnings from our parents to keep our tongues insides our mouths, and for good reason. I’m wondering though if this really such a good thing.

I see a lot of doing at work but what I’d love to see is more environments where people can fail safe and learn.

More tongues out, fewer tongues held when someone doesn’t complete a task, or worse if they are injured.

9d8c40e6fa4104dce9602793589ad429My little fella first used the term “I” over the weekend. He scaled the last climbing obstacle at our local shops unassisted. His words “I did it” resonated and made me reflect on how often I see it at work…

…which led me to want to find out more on how to make it happen more often

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