Andrew Barret @ Safety on Tap asked me what is a growth hack that anyone can use at any stage of their career and life. It’s a very good question on that’s led me to take this daily practice.

I settled on that whilst there are many unique individuals there are few, new problems.

Whilst I appreciate that many people believe that their issues are unique, chances are someone else has not only overcome your issue, they likely have written & published information about it just waiting for you to find and benefit from.

I said to Andrew I have had the benefits of some amazing mentors and sponsors, yet also benefit from those who wrote prolifically on a raft of topics. Often things I have read seem not applicable at the time, yet in the future, they become essential to overcoming something life has thrown at me. And to top it off those mentors and sponsors made me reflect and look harder either at myself or for a solution.

So this little website and daily practice for me is an attempt to acknowledge that we stand on the shoulder of giants and add to this body of work. I’m hoping that through people passing on their experiences and allowing others to reflect upon, that we allow others go faster and further to tackle issues on the limits of our understanding rather than always having to touch the hot plate.

You will notice that I’ve removed the comments section, that’s deliberate. I don’t want your comment (in the nicest possible way), I want your reflection and thought, to question your own conclusions and most importantly take action. Feel free to share with others if you feel they could benefit by doing the same.