What we need is a shift in thinking, one to valuing the forum and fearing we aren’t adding value rather than one of mandatory compliance. Prestarts do not need to be stock standard information transferring sessions but an opportunity for leaders to enroll and engage the team to start the day off in the best possible mindset with all the required information.

But how can we improve?

How to improve:

  1. Acknowledge your own personal style of delivery and then work towards your desired style
    • Respect that improvement only comes from trying new things, getting feedback and trying again. Incremental improvement won’t happen overnight but it will happen if you are diligent.
  2. Engage a support person to assist and keep you motivated and on track
    • Pre-starts aren’t given in a vacuum and it is difficult to be sufficiently reflective to drive change in your own behaviour. Enlist the help of a coach if you haven’t anyone to rely upon.
  3. Choose small incremental steps to make a big improvement quickly
    • Rome wasn’t built in a day and habits require time to embed. It will take roughly 30 days to embed your improved habit, so stick it out and build on top of your improvements
  4. Get that positive self-talk going and ignore the voices that say you can’t do it
    • Create a positive delusion to will yourself to say you can do it until you achieve your outcome. A positive self-fulfilling context will allow o overcome the hurdle of not starting.

The next post two posts will outline what we can do to improve preshift meetings