Influencing front line personnel (supervision) is a key leveraging factor in improving safety outcomes in workplaces, through provision of good quality safety advice.

  • Precedent – WA Mining industry growth from 40K in Industry to 100K (much of these numbers were construction workers building BHPBIO and RTIO & FMG Projects

40K to 100K

Below are some contributing factors to the fatalities [Source: Analysis completed by Western Australia’s DMP]

This to me is an issue of scaling – Have you heard about scale problems?

Hiroshi Mikitani, founder and CEO of the multibillion-dollar e-commerce conglomerate Rakuten Mikitani coined the “The Rule of 3 and 10”: Every time a company triples in size, “everything breaks.” Mikitani grew Rakuten from the ground up, and today it has roughly 12,000 employees. He noticed that from one to three employees, from three to 10, from 300 to 1,000, etc. (the rule rounds up to multiples of 10 for ease of understanding), that everything stops working as it should. [Source: You can listen to the full episode where it is discussed at Ferriss’ website]

I challenge you to consider how this affects your workplace and what we can do about this